1. Parker has a new best friend. This is the only friend he actually loves sharing with. And share he does...they do EVERYTHING together. Parker insists on it!

3. I got to run in this race. It was a really eye-opening, touching experience. I didn't cry at the finish line this time, but rather the entire time I was running as I read the backs of people's shirts and saw who they were running for.
4. Joe and I didn't get into this race, however. I can't say we didn't try...we weren't chosen out of the 10,500 people in the lottery for any of the 7,000 spots. Now I don't have to run 26.2 miles in October.
5. Parker turned 2!
6. I didn't ruin either birthday cake!
7. The mini party (hot-tub party) on Parker's actual birthday was a success!

10. My sister-in-law, Marci finally started a blog after months and months of prodding!
11. My ENTIRE family will be in town this weekend for my Grandpa's 80th Birthday party.
(I was driving home from the gym at 6:45 this morning. The DJ said to call in and honk your horn...they would guess what kind of car you're driving. Last week I had tried to call in for another contest, and when the guy answered, I thought it was an answering machine, so I hung up on him! This time I was prepared...I honked my horn, and won tickets to the new Indiana Jones movie!)
So there you have it...I hope my luck doesn't run out anytime soon!
That is so cool that you won the radio contest. Maybe I need to keep you stashed in my car. Hee hee! I love the collage pictures...they are so cute!
Okay, first of all I LOVE Parkers new best friend!! Those pictures are hilarious!! (I've done a Curious George cake before...maybe for Parkers 3rd:)
Second, that picture of Avery on Parkers first party is SOOO CUTE!!!!
Third, WHO is the ADORABLE Grandma in the star shades?!
And LAST, you better get your ticker going....OR ELSE!!!! (J/K)
P.S. I think I may have discovered a cure for Avery's poopin' problem...THE BUMBO!!! Minnie has a MAJOR blow-out every time she sits in hers!!!!
Love Ya
That is one lucky week. I love all the collage pics, I need to figure out how to do that!!!
I am dying to see Indiana (I am a huge fan) it better be good, can't believe you won tickets.
Looks like you guys are having so much fun. I love the sand castle cake. It looks like a lot of work and it turned out so adorable. All your exercising is very inspiring. I have started going to 24 hour fitness and am doing pretty well but no weight is coming off yet. Congrats on all your good luck!!
That is so great that you won the tickets! I want to go see that movie too sometime, since my husband is a huge Indiana Jones fan. Looks like it was a fun party on Saturday. Cool cake!
I'm so glad you love your stuff. :) It was great "meeting" you.
Happy Birthday to Parker! What a cutie. :)
These are such great pictures! It looks like Parker had some fun times with his birthday. I think we need to start planning a "Disney Reunion" with everyone.
You live quite an exciting life! I think you're such a fun person. Reading your blog always makes me smile.
The only thing that could have made your week any better was if you won tickets to go meet the real Indy. Maybe tomorrow morning as you're coming HOME FROM THE GYM AT 6:45? Wowza. I'm still asleep at that time, chickie.
I'm so glad you didn't make it into the St. George Marathon. Maybe you should take up road biking or something less impact-intense. Also, too bad I had to miss Parker's other party...darn those weddings in the Skyroom
That cake turned out sooo cute, and Parker looks really happy! How fun! I love Grandma B in those glasses too!
I can't believe your luck. If there's a contest I want to win, I'm gonna make you call in for me!
I'm glad you had a good week! We had a great time at Parker's and ate ALL the leftover cake! Yummy and a cute cake! There's toys at my house... you can go get them anytime you want! I missed you before I left. We made it here safely and no throwing up! See you soon! Ev
WoW you have been busy!! I love the sandcastle cake. Oh, my cousin is going to be getting married soon, so I think I should be comming out to Utah at somepoint this summer!! Woo HOO!
Robyn, what can I say...you continue to amaze me over and over again. Just when I think I've seen the best cake, the best party, the best sister, the best friend, the best listener, etc... You go and out-do yourself again!
I love your collages. Super cute!
Congrats on winning the tickets. I've always dreamed of winning something like that but never have. I like your son's friend. I saw another boy like that at the park the other day. He had his Mickey Mouse going down the slide and swinging in the swing next to him. IT was really too cute.
Robyn - you have the best blog!! I love reading about your exciting life!! congrats on all the good luck you've been having!
Wow, could we make little mini action figures of you so I could carry you around as a good luck charm. I love the positive-ness of your blog. You make me smile. THANKS!
Awesome! I just won a contest on the Zone (sports) I had to play this game about how well girls know guys! It was fun! I love the collage pics...you need to do a post on how you do it!
Ditto on the collage pics- I need to figure that out! I love his new best friend- it's good he found someone to share with! Your wedding invite came back in the mail- we forgot to put the state and zip on! I will resend it today!
wow, you're one "lucky" girl--you and your radio station wins! :)
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