Two weeks sure go by quickly when you're on vacation! I'm leaving Nashville tomorrow...luckily Michael and Marianne are traveling with me. I don't think I'm ready to brave flying alone with two kids yet! We've had lots of fun, but I've missed my sister
Kimberly! Home's not the same without her. Luckily I found some pictures to fill the void! Here she is, showing her pretty face! Love you, sis! More on our trip later....

I'm sure Stacey and Darcy (I have no idea how either of them spell their names) would be thrilled to know that you put those pictures up...and I'm sure Kimberly is thrilled as well! It would've been really fun if Kimberly could've been here, too! We miss you Kimberly.
Those are awesome pictures!!! I love stuff like that, especially when you forget about them and then you stumble upon them. Its like finding a treasure!
I know how you feel, I miss my sis everyday!!!!
Where in the world did I have these gems?! I agree, things just aren't the same without Kimberly around.
Those are most excellent pictures. I remember you guys at that age (although not quite with those same expressions). Glad you had a great trip!
I remember those photo booths. My friends and I used to get them at the mall all the time. We could get pretty silly! I am glad you had a fun time on your trip. Flying with two little ones alone is no fun at all. Your smart for having assistance with you!
Welcome home!
Those pictures are classic! Those are from my 49th street galleria days. It's nice to know you were still thinking of me and missing me. With a face like that, how could you not!
By the way, I noticed you didn't blow up the pictures of me and you...what's up with that!
LOVE the pictures. And don't remind me about solo travel - I'm doing it with the kids this summer to Canada. Ugh....
Sister love, so great.
You guys never told me you knew another Darci!!!!!!
Welcome home Robyn I am so glad that you had a wonderful time. Love the pictures.
When Kimberly said the photos were from 49th Street, boy did that bring back memories. That is too fun, I love to see pics like those. I'm glad you had a good visit with your folks.
Cute, cute..! :)
So so funny!! I thought that was Darcy, wasn't sure about Stacy!! Hopefully you guys can see each other really soon! That has got to be so hard to be that far away from her!!
I found some equally awsome pictures I will share with you of you and Kimberly! What fun it is to view your blogs Love ya
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