We got home yesterday from a GREAT trip to St. George. The weather was BEAUTIFUL and we had a blast. I was excited to get home to check everyone's blogs and to update mine! I was REALLY excited to see that my brother Michael decided to jump on the blog-wagon! Check his out...he's hilarious! (
www.robtmichael.blogspot.com) Anyway, this blog will contain mostly pictures. I'm usually terrible at taking pictures, but since I started this thing, I want to take a picture of everything we do! Parker was SO cute and loved being outdoors so much, so I had a hard time deciding which pictures not to include.
While we were there, we went hiking, bike riding, swimming, etc. It was a blast! Our good friends, Colby and Kandis invited us to come stay with them. Kandis' parents and grandparents have some condos in St. George, so we stayed there.
It was so nice to have a place to get away to! It was really relaxing and perfect since we both have babies that are on similar schedules, so we played while the babies were awake and relaxed while the babies napped. I think Parker knew that as soon as he woke up something exciting would be happening, so he took the opportunity to take very short naps! Oh well!
The first morning we were there, we all went on a bike ride. Colby and Kandis have this cool bike trailer that Parker and Carter rode in...they loved it! We stopped at a park on the bike trail. Parker crawled all around! (Don't you love his superman hat?) Carter is 19 months old, so Parker followed him around EVERYWHERE! Once again I realized how big Parker is for his age, because they are almost the same size and Parker is only 10 1/2 months old!
Parker also enjoyed his first swimming experience. I was a paranoid mom making sure he had sunscreen on the whole time. I kind of understand now why my mom hated it so much when I got sunburned. You're so protective of your babies and small kids, but then they grow up and want to get tan and don't wear sunscreen at all! (Sorry mom!)
All in all, we had a great time. At first I was worried that it was going to be a "Joe and Colby bonding trip" while Kandis and I stayed with the babies, but it was great. Joe and Colby did have some fun, though. They went golfing and mountain biking and stayed up until all hours of the morning playing halo. Crazy boys!
Carter is really into exploring now, so he loved all the hikes. Parker would have loved to crawl around in the dirt, but we just carried him. Once we sat him down, though, he was super squirmy the rest of the time wanting to get out of our arms.
I don't have a picture, but Kandis and I climbed through a little crack between two huge rocks that they called the "crack of St. George". We decided that we need to go back every year and if we still fit through the crack, we'll know that we haven't gained too much weight.
The funniest thing that happened (and this probably deserves it's own blog) was the last night at dinner. We went to Wingers. Joe and Colby decided to try one of the REALLY hot sauces on some popcorn. Colby went first, then Joe (the name of the sauce was "Bad Day in Baghdad" and had funny pictures of Sadam Hussein). All of a sudden Parker started crying really hard like he was choking on something. Apparently my husband hadn't been careful when removing the cap to the hot sauce and Parker had gotten a hold of it! I licked one of his fingers to see if it was on his hand and yep, it was! My poor baby! Anyway, he didn't cry for too long, so I don't think he'd gotten too much, but luckily it didn't get in his eye or anything. Joe and Colby felt really bad. We all survived. The trip definitely wore Parker out because he slept for 3 of the 4 hour drive home Sunday morning.
One more side-note to the trip...Kandis' birthday was on Saturday. Her mom drove to St. George Wednesday morning to surprise her since she wouldn't get to see her on her birthday. I thought that was really cute of her, but I was definitely a little bit jealous. I miss my mom! Someday we'll all have vacation condos right next door to each other...put it on the dream board...it'll happen!