Sunday, January 6, 2008

Black Eye Tantrum

I hate doing more than one post on the same day...then I miss out on all the comments on the previous one! Since I'm actually in blogging mode right now, though, I thought I'd better keep posting! Maybe it's part of this crazy nesting phase...I can't leave anything undone...only 4 weeks to go! Feel free to leave comments on BOTH posts, though! (No pressure!)
I know Parker's only (almost) 20 months old, but I'm pretty sure he's already hit his terrible two's. He has been throwing some pretty amazing tantrums lately. A few of them have Joe questioning his mental state...please tell me that he's normal! I've mentioned before that Parker has become pretty particular about what he wears lately. He's still in that phase, but has moved on to being very particular about what blankets he sleeps with, carries around, etc. The other day he had about 5 blankets that he wanted to take with him to the living room (specifically his car, doggie, cowboy, star, and silky blankets). He was getting upset because he couldn't carry them all. I thought I would help him by folding them up so he could carry them all at once. This made him mad beyond reason! He was sitting on my bedroom floor and started flinging himself around. This ended in him banging his head on our bed frame with a nice black eye. The pictures don't do it justice, but they're the best I've gotten...he seriously looks like he has dark black and purple eye shadow on his right eye. Funny boy...I love him, but does he have to be SO opinionated? And no, the chocolate chip cookies WEREN'T a reward, although these tantrums tempt me to give him whatever he wants just to calm him down. Supposedly parenting only gets harder...geez!


Christie said...

I know I haven't finished all the parenting stages, but I'll tell you - you're at the worst phase that we've ever had to go through. Those 2s, 3s, and sometimes 4s can be the worst. I love having my kids a little bit older. They toilet themselves, feed themselves, dress themselves -- it only gets better. You'll probably see Parker revert some when the baby is born, too. All my kids had a few weeks of "adjustment" with a new baby. Good luck!

CollyWolly said...

Yep, that's about how the terrible two's start. Ryan was about the same age... 20 monthsish and being very picky. Let me guess Joe thinks he has OCD? Nope, he's just 2. Let me know if you figure any good strategies out. Ryan is 28 months and we're in the full middle of having tantrums and being picky. One small tip that works for me is giving him a choice. But I only let him have 2 choices. Brown shoes or Cars shoes. etc. sometimes it helps things get smoother.

Michael said...

I thought for a little bit that Cody and I were going to witness a tantrum last night. I'm glad that Parker held out. I thought that it looked like he had REALLY long, dark eyelashes on his bruised eye. All I can do is laugh when he screams and shouts...I can't wait for my own crazy, tantrum-throwing kids.

Kimberly said...

I can't wait for Michael to experience having crazy, tantrum-throwing kids! He has no idea what is in store for him. It will be so great to sit back and watch him change diapers while we take our kids, who will then be old enough, to the movies, no?

On the other side, poor Parker! Since he has a black eye it makes him seem tougher and crazier than Blake. That is one thing Blake has not experienced yet, I am a bit surprised!

Annakaisa said...

Hah hah... quote: 'have Joe questioning his mental state'. :) I know what you are talking about. I'm sure all parents do. Emma hasn't been very particuliar about her clothes, but she refuses to go to bed without her bunny (pupu) and her bear (nalle). That lower pictures looks like Parker is thinking 'man, it's so hard to be a little boy! This job is exhausting'. :)

Diane said...

Parker is very normal!!! Just give him a hug from us and it will all be better (wishful thinking). He must get this from his dad's side of the family! You were practically perfect in every way! (ok so you were a bit opinionated.)

Rachel said...

Don't worry, he's normal! Ellie was like that about everything, and still is usually! Poor Parker (and poor mama!)

Darci said...

Now I am not the only one!!!!! Gwenie's lasted about 10 days and then it went away so you are in for the long haul and lots of mean looks for people. I swear I was going to yell at this man who looked at me like I was the beating your child type the other day in Walmart, next time Target.

Grandma Hand said...

I am glad to be able to comment on your blog! I don't know about this tantrum stuff it has been so long ago but JUST HANG IN THERE AND THINGS WILL BE BETTER. I sure do love you.

Niki said...

Parker is totally normal. Aidan is 2 years and three months and he still has his tantrums. He started his terrible twos early also. It gets easier, I promise.