Anyway, for about a week I agonized over what to do, but realized by that time that if I wasn't going to do it, I should have let her know sooner so she could find someone else. Of course I would choose to do a page that required HOURS and HOURS of cutting! This past week, that was all I did. The group was meeting on Saturday to exchange, so I was up super late getting the finishing touches on my pages. Another requirement is to have a picture with instructions of how to put the kit together. All day Friday I kept thinking that I should just put my pages together so that I could get the picture taken and printed in time, but I'm a very methodical worker and couldn't stop cutting for 20 minutes to put my page together. When I finally finished cutting, etc. Friday night (while Joe was sleeping--he fell asleep watching TV at like 8:00) around midnight I got my page finished and ordered pictures online at Walmart.com. It did feel good to have my page done, and I was really happy with how cute it turned out, but it was a lot of work! OK this is turning into a long, probably uninteresting blog, but I guess I've gone this far, so I'll finish the story. The photo center at Walmart didn't open until 9 am Saturday morning and the thing started at 10 am, so Joe went to Walmart for me when it opened to make sure I got the pictures RIGHT when they were printed. He got home at like 9:58, so I ran outside and was driving while stuffing the pictures in the kits. I got to the house where it was at around 10:10 and was all stressed out about being late, but I was the FIRST ONE THERE!
I had already decided that I wasn't going to stay...I was a bit scrapbooked out. Once the lady in charge arrived, I asked her if she would collect all my kits for me and that I needed to go. I went to the gym instead! After working out for about 30 minutes, I decided to go to a class. This could be a blog by itself, but I won't go into too much detail. I'll just say that it was the FUNNEST class I've ever gone to. It wasn't the greatest workout in the world, but I was laughing the whole time! The instructor was a gay guy, and there were about 5 girls in the class. The class was a combination of two classes...the first was "Dancer's Workout" and the second was "24 Tease". The second one was great...we were all just dancing around the room mimicking our instructor and letting go of any personal inhibitions. I really wished I had a friend there to laugh with me. It was pretty liberating to just dance without worrying what I looked like. The class ended with everyone crawling on the floor towards the mirror...it was hilarious! I was in a much better mood when I left!
My dilemma now is whether or not to stay in the group! I got the 14 pages from the lady in charge, and some were really cute, but others were just OK. I'm pretty sure no one else spent hours and hours cutting like I did...theirs were all premade stuff! My other dilemma is that I recently decided that I want to get into digital scrapbooking. I've seen some really cute digital scrapbooks that probably take far less time and are much less expensive. SO if I can get up the nerve to get out of it, I think I'm going to (you're supposed to commit for a year). Anyway, sorry for the boring update, but it's been stressing me out!
What else do you bring to your scrapbooking "meats." Maybe you could bring some of your steaks from your freezer and cook them up for everybody to eat while they scrapbook. By the way, your page turned out super cute. Why didn't you make me one? Just kidding. Also, I think you should attend that 24T class a lot more often. Everyone needs to feel like a sexy diva inside!
That is so funny that a gay guy can teach a group of girls how to do the "24 tease". I would have loved to see all of you crawling toward the mirror. As far as the scrapbooking thing goes...do you remember my FHE group? I would work so hard and be so fussy about how my story looked, as well as the quality of it, and I could tell others just threw theirs together. I say go digital. It's easy for me to say though since you got your "say yes" disease from me. I would have done the exact same thing.
That's funny that I wrote meats instead of meets...oops! That's one of my pet peeves...when someone uses the wrong form of a word (your, you're, their, they're, there, etc.) Silly me!
I say drop the club! I did a card club once and I felt the same way. I would work so hard and then other cards just seemed thrown together. It would make me so mad! It's not worth it if you don't really enjoy it! Your pages are so cute! And the workout class sounds like a blast! I wish I could have been there!
Robyn, the one thing that I do know is that you are never "boring" You have such a great talent of painting a picture with your words and personally, I loved the "meats" and even at my age I want to be a SEXY DIVA inside once in awhile. You are really having fun and that is what counts. Your scrapbooking dilemna is --Oh shucks. Saying yes is a family thing so enjoy!!!!!
That's hilarious Robyn! I have totally been stuck in those kinds of situations so many times and I always think "WHY ME"!
I loved your story. I'm a yesser too. If you have the guts to do it quit the class. Just tell them that you just wanted to see what it's all about and then tell them you're not in a position to make that kind of committment right now (or some other excuse) and then join a class at the gym. It sounds like that was a ton more fun! That 24 tease class sounds like it was a blast!
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