"Did you get this big with your first baby?"
"You must already have kids since you started showing so early and got so big so fast!"
"You look like you're ready to pop!"
"When are you due?" February 4th. "Oh wow. Are you having more than one?"
Thanks for the boost of confidence, everyone! Unfortunately I still have over a month to go...
Ha ha ha ha - Yeah aren't people nice? (Smile) Just remember it isn't all baby, and as soon as you have your baby (can't remember if it's a boy or girl), you’ll be just as thin as you were before. You and Kimberly were so blessed with gorgeous figures. (Smile)
Besides, the picture doesn’t look that big, you look like a cute pregnant mommy.
You’re awesome!
Aren't you glad they didn't start saying that to you at five months? That's when people said it to me. Part of why I hated being pregnant so bad. You look adorable!
I'm sorry but I think I have even said some of those stupid things to you, like ' you look like you are ready to pop'. Well... when I get pregnant the next time, you can "return" the compliments! :)
You look hot Robyn! I just laughed at all those comments. I'm sure I have said them to people before...oops. Wow, I can't believe you are going to being doing the whole newborn thing in a month! I hope everything goes ok and your little girl fits right into the swing of things!
Why are people do dumb? Pregnant mommas already feel like they are big, don't need to rub it in now do they? But honestly Robyn, you look great! Don't worry I'll be bigger, just give me time. I was HUGE with my first and I'm running at about the same rate. So, if you are ever feeling bad, just look to my website. Check for two things, 1. that I've got a lot more days on that floating baby counter thing, and 2. that I'm just about as big as you are.
Good luck with your little one- you are SUPER close now! Hang in there.
From your picture you don't look that big, people are so mean and I swear they should know that a pregnant woman wants to hear how great she looks, not how fat she looks.I think you look great and do not look like you are ready to give birth at all!!!!
Funny that I commented before Kim did, huh??
It's funny how much attention you get, when you are pregnant, from everyone (including total strangers). The funny thing is that you already feel huge and ugly, when you're pregnant, so to have people say these things just exaggerates what you are already feeling. But, you have nothing to worry about...you look terrific! By the way, I love the clock you made and it looks really, really good on your mantle. However, it's probably not there anymore now that you put the plasma there.
Well I must say, it's much better to look pregnant from the front than the back! You look terrific! I love you and will see you soon!
Oh, I looooove those comments! I think you look so cute and it's so true, you are only preggers from the front and cute as can be to boot! One time my MIL said that Ellie "definitely got her dad's bum" (none at all) aka not mine (GHETTO!)... nice huh? hahahaha!
You are too cute! What's worse is when people ask you how far along you are and you say, "Umm, I'm not pregnant". Anyway, you look darling! Someone left a comment on my blog that knew you and was trying to contact you, so I'll pass her this info. I think her last name was Plummer. Take Care and good luck with baby #2!
love, JaNece
I just con't believe the things that people say to a pregnant woman. When I saw you yesterday you weren't even fat except for the basketball in front and I really think that you looked GREAT - so there! Loved being with you and Parker and with your mom and dad - LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!
Here she is...that Plummer girl trying to find you...it's me, Kristin! You are so cute pregnant! Don't let anyone make you feel different! Although, I know only too well how you're feeling...that last month is always a killer! Anyway, write me! I'd love to catch up with you.
Kristin (Jenkins) Plummer
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