Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Protect the Family!

Because I care about the future for my children.

Because I want to have a say in what they are taught in school.

Because I want to be the one who teaches them about marriage and families.

Because this Massachusetts man was sent to jail for wanting to be informed on what the schools were teaching his son regarding the institution of marriage.

Because I'm not willing to sacrifice my parental rights.

Because marriage as God intended is between a man and a woman.

Because this affects all of us!!!!!

If you're a California voter, vote YES on proposition 8!
Read more here!


Betsy said...

I am glad I am not the only one that feels like marriage should be protected. Sometimes it feels that way. I realize it may seem silly for a single woman to take such a stand but I believe the family is what is at stake. If a parent decides to home school their child there are some trying to have that billed as neglect.

Hiller Family said...

I totally agree with you, thanks for standing up for what's really Important!

Diane said...

This is an important proposition. I hope everyone is informed. Thanks for posting it. We worked so hard for prop 22 only to have it overturned by some judge. That's why we should be so concerned about who is elected. Whoever it is will appoint judges! I heard there was a special broadcast for Californians. I don't know if that's true, but it would be interesting to watch if there is.

Jake and Jessica said...

I'm glad you shared that with us Robyn. There were a lot of points made in that video that I had not thought of. Everything is at stake for our future, if bill 8 is not passed. I hope we can all make a difference.

Mandy said...

I am so scared for what the future holds on this one vote! I really hope the voters turn up in California that day! Well the ones who will vote yes of course!

Darcie said...

I totally agree!! Wow!!!

Kimberly said...

Nice! Yeah, vote yes!

Grandma Hand said...

I have been totally amazed how the attitude of the teachers and the news media and how they are so liberal AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE GET OUT AND VOTE BUT FIRST BE SURE YOU ARE REGISTERED!! THIS IS SO IMPORTANT!! In my lifetime I have never seen such fraud and DISLIKE FOR OUR COUNTRY AND OUR FREEDOMS. I love your blog.

Matt said...

Thanks for this post, Robyn. I totally agree with you that God only intended and sanctions marriage between a man and a woman. I pray that this proposition will pass, and I have the utmost respect for the Massachusetts man that was improsoned for trying to protect his children.

Erin said...

It's so scary. I really hope that all the people in California get out and vote for prop 8. Let's pray they get enough votes!!!

Missy said...

I don't believe that anyone should be sewed or punished in any way for not allowing or performing marrages that go against their beliefs. But, as far as adoption is concerned, I do blieve that anyone who is capable of loving a child should be allowed to have one reguardless of their weaknesses or marital status. We all have weaknesses, don't we. The kids in foster care live in hell. They are abused regularly a lot of them. I know many people who have come out of foster care. They would rather have been with a loving gay couple than some of the sick bastards they ended up with at times. When a foster child ends up in a good foster home, it is only for 6 months. They can not stay. Homosexual does not equal child predator. Foster parent is far more likely to equal child-predator and/or abuser. Let gay people have and love children. I don't agree with homosexuality, but I don't agree with smoking and drinking either. Nobody is trying to stop smokers from adopting or people who drink. What's up with that? Do you really believe a kid would rather be alone? Do you really think that's better? I believe a single parent is better than no parents at all, as well. These kids get tossed around like they mean nothing at all. They often feel like nothing at all because of it. They often don't have much time to make friends either. Its sick. People use their moral beliefs in marrage and sexuality to deny these kids a home. Yes, they would be brought up to view homosexuality differently than you or I. Baptist are teaching their kids stuff you don't believe too, what are ya gonna do about that? Lutherans are doing it, Catholics too. Every other religion has views you don't agree with, and they are endoctrinating their children with those things. Can you tell yet how passionate I am about this subject? The marrage issue and the adoption issue are separate. Conjoining them goes beyond cruel. I want people to see that for what it is. If an adult will love a child and never abuse them, they should have them. It absolutley beats the alternative. If you don't believe me, talk to a few foster kids yourself. Wont take many to get a better picture here. Amen.

Missy said...

I just remembered one more thing. Do you know what happens when a foster kid turns 18, ready or not? Get out, that's what. A lot of them end up on the street and in homeless shelters. It's awful. Were you ready to be kicked out at 18? Could you handle all of the bills and responsibility that comes with that? I guarantee you all were better prepared in your happy homes than most, if not all, foster kids are.