Here's a picture of Parker this morning in the bath before I took him to get his FIRST HAIRCUT! I've put it off for a long time and was sort of waiting until his first birthday, but yesterday at church I changed my mind. The whole time we were at church, I was trying to comb his hair and make him look less haggard, but it didn't work. I just kept thinking that everyone must have been looking at my baby thinking how unkempt he looked. His beige pants were filthy from crawling on the dirty floors, his shirt was too big, and his hair was a mess! He looked like he had a mullet in the back, and the hair hung WAY over his ears. I asked my sister-in-law Marci if she would help me cut it (she has lots of haircutting experience!) She jumped at the chance to cut Parker's LONG luscious hair!
After Parker's nap, we went over to visit Marci and Jacob. We let them play for a while first. Jacob was sitting in the laundry basket, so we thought Parker should join him. Funny boys! At least Jacob seems to be warming up to Parker...there were no tears!
We headed to the bathroom for the haircut. Parker got to sit in the bathroom sink...he loved it! I wasn't sure how he'd react to the clippers, but he actually sat really still while Marci trimmed the sides and back. It must have felt pretty good because he just sat there looking relaxed. However, while she trimmed the top, he wouldn't sit still. He kept trying to look around to see what she was doing. He could've just looked in the mirror, but he didn't quite understand that yet! Jacob sat on the counter watching. He kept thinking Marci was going to cut his hair when she turned the clippers on and was happy when she turned them on Parker!
Here's the finished product! I was going to just throw the hair away, but Joe really wanted me to keep it. I guess he's more sentimental than I am. I told him I would just take a picture of the hairs, but he didn't think that was good enough. Anyway, the hairs were really long from the sides and back...at least two inches! He looks so grown up now! We took a trip to Joe's work afterwards so Joe could see the new Parker! Joe got a haircut this weekend, so they're twins!
Here's one more funny thing we've discovered about Parker: he's totally attached to his plastic spoon! I got an email from babycenter.com recently that said most babies his age will have become attached to a blankie, binkie, etc. I thought, "that's funny...Parker doesn't seem to be attached to anything" and then I discovered that he carries a plastic spoon everywhere he goes! You'll notice it in most of the above pictures, and also in my previous post about his new jammies! He even holds on to it when I put him to bed. I thought a lot of his spoons were missing and I've been finding them all over the place...in his bed, on the floor, etc. Yesterday at church a little girl in front of us thought Parker was handing his spoon to her because he was waving it in her direction. He got really upset when she took it from him. I guess it's easier to take with us wherever we go than a blankie. Funny boy!
Cute haircut Parker has! :) So nice that he was good when Marci cut his hair. It could have been really long and uneven haircut, if Parker would have desided he didn't like it. But he's so easy going. :)I love reading you blog.
Oh Robyn the haircut is so cute and I loved the picture with Parker and his hair standing straight up like he is scared. I have a lock of your mom's hair in an envelope in my cedar chest. I love the way you put Parker in the basin to keep him contained. I have such cute great grandkids.
It's so funny that Parker has that spoon in every picture. I think you should've left his hair long. He looks pretty good with a baby faux-hawk.
I loved the part where you said you could just take a picture of the hair and Joe wanted to keep it. Sounds like a Steve/Sarah conversation!
I love the pictures!! Parker is so animated. It's like you can tell what he's thinking by the look on his face. I love the look on his face while he is sitting in the sink...a little relaxed and annoyed at the picture being taken that disturbed his shiveries. It's so funny about the spoon... Michael held on to a tire gauge. I think we have a family photo taken with it in his hand because he would not let go of it.
Do people just comment on how bright and cute Parker looks all the time? I don't think he ever takes a bad picture (except maybe when he has pneumonia!)
Parker, Parker, Parker...is this kid cute or what? I still think you should have waited to cut his hair until he turned 1. He looks way too grown up now. For a while I thought Blake's hair would grow in faster than Parkers, but Parker definitely passed up Blake in the hair growing department.
Cute hair- can you still do a little faux hawk? He looks like a little skater dude when you do. Do you think he holds on to the spoon all the time just in case someone is eating ice cream and he'll be prepared?
Hi Robyn. I hope you don't mind, I got on here from your mom's blog. It's Jennie from her dental office in CA. It sounds like you are all doing well. I can't believe how big your little guy is getting. He is so cute.
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